Tuesday, March 9, 2010

20100309 Dominating Google, Html tags, Favorites Icon, English, Facebook

Hello Business Website Customers, Associates and Friends,

See www.EnglishCentral.com to check your pronunciation. This website helps non-native English speakers check their accent. I tried
it and got 58 out of 100. Sad. The website lets you practice and you can improve your score.

Saw this quote on a travel website. "According to nearly all marketing experts, consumers need to see marketing/advertising 7-10
times before they buy something. Plan your campaign from all angles accordingly and follow up with interested people and watch the
excitement build."

There is a lot of talk that Facebook is bigger than Google, or will be. I do not know if this is true, but Facebook is big, with
100s of millions of views daily. You need to make Facebook part of your marketing plans.

Here is an interesting article on the other side of the active marketing coin. This guy says you need to make a great product and
people will tell each other. The product will market itself. Based on my experience with www.JewishNetwork.com, you need to do both.
People do tell each other and marketing does work.

When you post online, sometimes it is good to know some html. The WYSIWYG editors are not always reliable. Sometimes you need to go
into the html source. See the article on html tags.

When you go to a website, in the address bar, next to the website name is an icon. You can customize that icon for your website and
make it look as pretty as anyone else makes theirs. You have a 16 by 16 square with which to work. See this article for details.

Be Happy, Healthy and Prosperous,

In This Email:

Article: Html common tags in posting editors
Article: Dominating Google for search keyword terms


- I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business. - Michael J.

- As an engineer, if you want to advance something, you have to keep your eyes open, because what you are taught in textbooks has
limitations. When you have an open mind, you will discover there are more things out there than what has been understood so far. ~
Wolfgang Sigmund, Professor of Materials Sceince and Engineering, University of Florida, on research team discovering water proof
material based on spider hairs

Article: Html common tags in posting editors

When you post online, the editor usually has an option that lets you view the html source. If you are having trouble with the
WYSIWYG editor, try viewing the html source.

Here are some html tags that are good to know if you view the html source. Feel free to edit the source.

To be safe and not waste your work, open up Wordpad on your computer and copy the original source to your Wordpad file. Make another
copy and make your changes in Wordpad. Then copy your changes back to the online editor. That way, if anything goes wrong you still
have your work.

If you are cutting and pasting from other documents, paste into Wordpad and then save the file as plain text. Then load another
document and reload the document you just saved to clear out all the formatting. This is the cleanest and fastest way I know to
clean out the formatting. You can use this keyboard short cut to do this in a second.

Alt-f a enter - to save file without the formatting
Alt-f 2 - to load whatever was the last file you had in Wordpad
Alt-f 2 - again to reload the file you were working on without the formatting

Html useful tags

<a href="url"></a> - link to another page
<br /> - break to a new line
<div></div> - division of your page, sometimes used in place of p tag
<h1></h1> - heading level 1, also for levels 2-6
<img src="url" /> - images
<li></li> - list items between the ol and ul tags
<ol></ol> - ordered list
<p></p> - paragraph
<table></table> - table
<tr></tr> - table row, between the table tags
<td></td> - table cells between the table row tags
<ul></ul> - unordered list

There is often a lot of junk the editors put in that you can delete, such as these tags.

#160; - non-breaking space
&nbsp; - another version of a non-breaking space
<font></font> - to create a different style within another tag. Generally you can delete this. It is usually mistaken formatting.
<span></span> - to create a different style within another tag. Generally you can delete this. It is usually mistaken formatting.

Attributes - with the tag you can specify attributes appropriate for that tag. These are the two attributes you use to specify

class="stylename" - add this to any tag to specify a style name
style="font-size:120%; margin-right:.5em;" - use the style attribute to specify the style characteristics. In this example the
margin-right:.5em means to set the right margin to half the width of the letter "m".

This article is online here

Article: Dominating Google for search keyword terms

If you go to google and search for "Israeli partner dancing", the first three entries and eight of the top ten are mine, out of 2
million plus hits. Number one is my website www.IsraeliPartnerDancing.com

I am preparing to publish a book about Israeli partner dancing and have been laying the groundwork to market the book.

Can you dominate for your keywords?

Chances are you can. Maybe not to this degree, but you could get listings on the first, second and third pages.

Search on google for your keywords and check your competition. Look at the bottom of the page. Those are the people you need to beat
out to get on page one.

How can you dominate google for your keywords?

First, pick your keywords. If you have a local business, include the various areas you service.

If you go to google and search for just "partner dancing", I have a couple of entries on the first three pages. This is good, but
not dominating. You have to do more to dominate more competitive keywords. I have no competition when adding the keyword "Israeli",
but for just "partner dancing" there is competition. Will report back to you on that when I target those keywords.

To get to the first page and stay on the first page you must do much more than you have been doing. The amount is doable without
killing yourself, but you do have to keep at it.

You need multiple places on the Internet to post information about your keywords. How many places are enough? Keep posting in new
places until you are on page one and stay there. The number of pages depends on your competition.

Create blogs on blogger. Post entries on Facebook and make sure they are publicly visible. Join groups and post links. Submit

See the links on the left side of this page for a huge number of places to post to.

Be relentless. Keep posting every chance you get. Will send you posting tips on how to do this efficiently.

For now, the idea you should take with you is to never miss a chance to post a link to your pages. Cross link. Link to the pages
that link to your website. Make it messy. This is what search engines like.

Take this article as an example.

It is posted on my website www.InternetHandholding.com here

It is posted on one of my blogs here

A link is posted on one of my Facebook accounts.

If you look back through this article, you will see links to other pages of mine.

Get to posting.

This newsletter can be found online here.


Copyright (c) 2010, Bronze Inc. All rights reserved.

Andrew Weitzen, publish@internethandholding.com, 352-327-3672, Gainesville, FL



You may forward, print, post or use any part of this email as long as you include this copyright notice and leave a link back to the

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