Saturday, September 5, 2009

Short cut keys to move a window using the keyboard

Two-thirds of my Dell Inspiron 9200 17 inch wide, beautiful monitor is kaput. There was a manufacturing defect that caused many of
these laptop monitors to fail.

When I first noticed the problem, I checked with Dell, but I was out of the one-year warranty and they would not replace the screen.

The following year, they acknowledged the manufacturing defect and agreed to replace the monitors for free, within three years of
purchase. By the time I found out, my three years were up.

At first I had only lost the right two inches, so I was down to a 15 inch monitor. Still useable.

A couple of months ago, lost the left half of the screen, so now I am down to about a third strip on the right side, with some
vertical lines.

To buy a new monitor is about $300. Might as well buy a netbook.

Plugged an external monitor into the back and made the external monitor my primary display.

Most of the time this is fine, but if I happen to have the external monitor off when I turn on my computer, the laptop screen comes
up as the primary display.

I can right click and select properties in the working area, but the desktop settings open in the area of my screen that does not

To move the window to the visible area, I need to move the window to the right using the keyboard. Here is how.

1. After opening the window, if no other windows are open and nothing else was done, the focus should be on the newly opened window.

2. Alt-spacebar should open the windows navigation drop down menu.

3. The m key should select the move function.

4. The arrow keys should move the window to the visible area, in my case, the right arrow.

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