Delete Microsoft Uninstall Update Files $NTUnistallKB
There are many posts about this. These folders contain information that allows you to uninstall Microsoft updates.
If you are satisfied that an update is working on your computer and that you never want to remove that update, then you can delete
the folder for that update.
There will be a registry entry to list the update in Add/Remove programs. You can then go Add/Remove programs and click Remove. This
should give an error and then remove the entry from the registry.
CAUTION: DO NOT USE Add/Remove programs before you delete the folder or you will remove the actual update.
Rename With @ to Make Deleteable
If you are not sure, you can do what I do with all folders I am not sure about. I rename the folder, putting @date at the end. For
example, folder becomes folder@20090812.
My naming convention is that anything with an @ means it is deleteable at anytime.
The date tells me how long ago I made it deleteable. That way, after some time, if I never used the file, it is safe to delete.
Update Cleaner
You can buy Update Cleaner for $5 to delete the folder and remove the registry entry if you do not want to do it yourself.
Crap Cleaner will also clean up these folders and registry entries. Ccleaner appears to delete them all or none, but not sure since
I did not try to use that feature. Update Cleaner lets you select which ones.
Ccleaner will analyze your computer for things to clean. This was useful. I had less than 1GB of the update files, so I did not
bother removing them.
Ccleaner cleans other things, including your registry.
VB Script to Delete Folder and Remove Registry Entry
There is an interesting entry from this page, with a script for deleting the folder and the entry in the registry for Add/Remove
10/24/2005 5:21:05 PM Re: Removing UninstallKB's from the Winnt directory
Jim in Cleveland wrote:
As long as you doesn't care about not being able to uninstall the
updates anymore, all the $ntuninstall... folders can be deleted.
Below is a VBScript (put it in a .vbs file) that I have written that
will remove the uninstall folder (and the Add/Remove Programs entry
if one exists) for all hotfixes that creates $ntuninstall... folders
under the Windows folder.
Note: This will not uninstall the update itself, only the
uninstall folder and the Add/Remove Programs entry.
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sWinDir = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(0)
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sWinDir)
Set oDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each oSubFolder In oFolder.SubFolders
sFolderName = LCase(oSubFolder.Name)
sFolderPath = LCase(oSubFolder.Path)
If Left(sFolderName, 13) = "$ntuninstallq" _
Or Left(sFolderName, 14) = "$ntuninstallkb" Then
' get the update name for the registry delete
sUpdateName = Mid(sFolderName, 13, Len(sFolderName) - 13)
' never delete folders/files while enumerating a file/folder collection
' adds them to a dictionary object for later handling instead
oDictionary.Add sUpdateName, sFolderPath
End If
sDeleted = ""
For Each sUpdateName In oDictionary.Keys
sDeleted = sDeleted & vbCrLf & sUpdateName
sFolderPath = oDictionary.Item(sUpdateName)
On Error Resume Next
' remove entry in Add/Remove Programs
oShell.RegDelete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\" _
& "CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & sUpdateName & "\"
On Error Goto 0
' delete the uninstall folder
oShell.Run "%Comspec% /C RD /S /Q " _
& Chr(34) & sFolderPath & Chr(34), 0, True
If sDeleted <> "" Then
MsgBox "The uninstall data for the following updates are now removed:" _
& vbCrLf & UCase(sDeleted)
MsgBox "No updates found to remove the uninstall data for."
End If
torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting, Porsgrunn Norway
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the 1328 page Scripting Guide:
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